

This could be my thoughts, or my speech. Is thoughts and speech the reality.I certainly don’t know,or care.

It all started with a bright point of light. It just expands laterally and the explosion of pure energy transcends distances too great to comprehend.

What follows is a brilliant and violent display of phenomena where the energy plays around and collides against itself. The dynamism is so great,it causes rifts in the space time and the mass of energy completely disappear and it emerges in a completely different time and space.

There is no relativity in all this.The energy is free from unity,it tries to wreak havoc and it loses parts of itself… Aspects of it just fade away.

This cannot go on forever of course, Everything ever existing will try to reach a stable state and the energy does so. It forms particles,and all of a sudden there are too many particles..some are more of energy than particles,it does what it does -causes chaos.

After the whole charade of energy going crazy,there forms matter. The energy has figured it out, It tends closer and closer to the order it can achieve,as a sphere. |φ|

It was fascinating really,the energy could form particles and more,it composed itself into various kinds of materials..carbon,hydrogen it seemed.

The particles remembered,it had the same dynamic energy interactions within itself at the very core of it’s being. It was purely energy.

Then all kinds of things happen,the particles, they have to be called matter now,they move in myriad ways,they form spheres and the spheres transcend a huge time and space,it forms various patterns and from the greater space they have their own unique and beautiful patterns..most just have it’s randomness to define itself.

Large groups of energy or stars ,as they’ve formed, the energy pulls itself onto itself and others onto itself.It forms clusters of stars.

It collides,it tears,it explodes and finally it defines itself into galaxies.

There is so much energy and matter,lots of it are drifting around without a meaning or purpose.

It forms it’s own crux of stability and tries to attain a meaning for it’s existence.

The matter has it’s own space to evolve, it’s not too different from the energy it came from. It is onto itself and one other. It brings about a complexity in it’s own arrangement.

It forms different materials and they come together. It is almost completely insignificant in comparison to the vastness of the space it is in but it is significant in it’s own for it exhibits complexity and chaos within it’s own stability.

Planets are formed. The matter is stable,it forms a surface of rocks,some similar to it’s enormous counterparts are mostly gases.

These specks cannot exist on it’s own, it needs to find a pivot for itself  and it does around the very bright points of energy and it does to revolve around it for a short while before the energy of the system runs out.

The star might die in it’s course and the system is dispelled into the vastness.

Some planets have incredibly complex systems.The energy in the matter forms itself into various beings.

In almost no time, there is something going on with these unique systems of matter and energy. It has a life of it’s own.

There is something alike the chaos and complexity of the entire universe visible within these beings…the structure of it’s Brain and consciousness.

What the fuck are you thinkin bout now ?

We are all from the one consciousness that formed the entire universe…We came from the same energy and we will pass onto it.

You think everything you do is real ?..is there a meaning to your actions ?..NO.

You wanna waste your life on religion,politics,education ?..you realize the god is what we’re from and what we’re already an inseparable part of ?..

The truth was right there for us to realize..The vastness of time and space,the ratio of all of creation and the very fickle nature of our existence is the entire truth.

Some or all the crap you believe is real is worth nothing.

Think for yourself.

Posted on December 23, 2011, in I said it with a Story and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. food for thought…

Ok now say something. It's still a democracy in this part of the world.